Saturday, December 26, 2015

So guys. It's been what, almost two whole years now? Life has been crazy. I think about February 2014 was about my last post. A few months after that I lost one of my jobs, nearly lost my apartment, faced a near death of my father, who I was never very close to, and the death of one of my half brothers (who I was also not very close to), ect. ect. I do apologize for my lack of responsibility with this blog-that was never my intention.

How about a brief update....I've moved, got a much nicer apartment, I got a much better job, but close to my year mark I quit for a call center job (read: less stressful, or so I thought...), my first ever sit down job. Needless to say, I packed on probably a good 20 or so pounds over the course of a couple of months. I missed my old job, so I went back, and am going through the orientation and everything this week, and should be on shift soon. My weight as of this morning is 227 *shudders*.

I was browsing social media and found an old picture of me, I would have been maybe 14 or 15. This would have been right before I went on anti depressants. How I ever called myself fat back then is beyond me. I couldn't have weighed more than 150 or so, and I would love more than anything to get back to that. I also have a fancy camera now, so I will be able to actually upload pictures for you guys, however many there are. That's all for now at least. I'm hoping that around the middle of January I can get a gym membership, and start working out. That's the ideal plan at least.

Right now for food, money is pretty tight so to avoid buying a lot of groceries, it's clean-out-the-house month. So my diet is not going to be the best for a while, things like Hamburger Helper and ramen,  but I'm hoping to at least squeeze in enough veggies and fruit to make a smoothie now and again. Guys, I heart smoothies. So. Much. One of my favorites, especially in the fall/winter times, is what I like to call an "apple pie" smoothie. One day soon I hope to upload pictures for you. But, I will give you the recipe.

Chop up one whole banana, one whole apple, add a couple spoonfuls of PB, and toss an ice cube or two in, then add some cinnamon. I vary my amounts of cinnamon, it just depends on my mood. I add about 1 to 1.5 cups of vanilla or unsweetened plant based milk, usually soy milk. Lately I've discovered the wonders of Cacao powder, though mine isn't so fancy. It's just Hershey's cocoa powder, found in the baking section of Dillons. I assume it's the same as Wal-Mart. I like a really smooth smoothie, so I blend it for a really long time. But guys. This smoothie is heaven. I also really enjoy banana/strawberry smoothies, and once I used chocolate milk (plant based), which as I recollect, was also amazing. That's all I have for now folks, hopefully I get a chance to jump back on here fairly soon and give you some pictures.