Saturday, March 22, 2014

Sorry for my absence!!!

OK guys. First off, I want to say that I am SO SORRY for disappearing for, like, ever. I had been in the middle of a post and my internet (OK, it wasn't mine, specifically, it was a neighbor's) went out. Then life got in the way. I don't remember where I was in my last post but I work two jobs, one at Taco Bell afternnoons/nights, usually around 5pm to 2 or 3am, and then at McDonalds usually froom 11am to 4pm. Needless to say, when I'm not at work, I'm asleep, and I'm so not kidding. I may be up for an hour or so after work, but usually its not long before I head to bed, then wake up and go back to work. Still, it's absolutely not an excuse. I could do a workout in that hour. It'd probably make my life easier, and a little less stressful to get some exercise. But jeez, the internet is better :) Sorry, haha. And I got a gym membership, which I have used -gulp- once :( I know, I know, I'm a bad person with no motivation I'm a great person who is just starting out and will make mistakes along the way. I have days off from at least one job a few days a week, I could always go in early then. I guess I don't because I'm a seriously lazy person. And the gym is SO cool guys. You consult with a trainer the first day or so, and then they have this computer system that takes the info submitted via the trainer, and prints your workouts for you, with your goals in mind. For example, if I wanted to get buff, it'd give me all kinds of strength exercises, the reps, the machines, etc. It takes the guesswork out of what to do. I had a gym membership when I was like 16 and my mom got us each one, and I always kind of wandered around, not sure what to do or anything, just completely lost. This program takes that away and tells you what to do. And, it keeps you from plateuing. Soooooooooo why haven't I been haunting that place??? Because I'm lazy. This blog, I'm gonna try and be real and not make excuses. If I start to make excuses, I ususally set it straight, while I'm typing. Partially so that you guys don't think I'm some good for nothing hobo, and partially to be real with myself as well.

As for what has me writing now. I was looking through a lot of my old Facebook pictures, and was honestly disgusted. I really want to be one of those skinny girls, one of the runners who can go for miles and miles, and make it look easy. But more than that, I want to be healthy. If that means I'm not a stick, I'm still all for it. I'm just really getting tired of being so...big. My BMI was somewhere around 35 I think, which I know certainly isn't the best in the world. My body fat percentage, was around 40%. Give or take. Most likely give. Guys, that means almost half of my body is fat....I'm not OK with that. I want to do better. Part of it is I just don't seem to have time. Which is again another excuse. My jobs are right down the road from each other and the gym is literally on the other side of the street. Should be a no brainer. Maybe it is. Anyways, it's getting late, it's about 3:11 now as I'm typing this, and I have to be up at 10, so I'm probably gonna go pass out for as long as I can.

Signing Off.